Secretary's Message

“And He (Allah) taught Adam
All the names then presented them to the Angels; then He said: Tell me the names of those if you are right.
They said: Glory be to Thee! We have no knowledge but that which thou last taught us;
Surely thou are the knowing, The wise.
He (Allah) said: O Adam! Inform them of these names.
Then when he had informed them of their names , He said : Did I not say to you ( Angels ) that I surely know what is Ghaib in the heavens and the earth and ( That ) I know what you manifest and what you hide “ ( To : 31 – 33 ) These three verses of the Holy Quran testify that education (Teaching) and learning) came
With the birth of Adam. But it is known well that even before Adam, education was in distance when Iblees (The notorious Satan) used to teach Angels.
It also shows that education is quintessential for those creatures who occupied the earth before Adam.
It reveals that education is worthless if not applied to the pleasure of Allah. Pleasure of Allah means to establish peace in the world guide the follows to the right ways and manners of the life.
It also implies to co – operate with the good minded people for extension of their help towards the downtrodden.
Man is the most intelligent creature on the earth to learn and memories for future use. Angels showed their inability to repeat the names presented to them, but Adam repeated those names with ease.

Education, formal, informal or non- formal, is light to remove darkness. That is why the Prophet Mohammad (peace may be upon him) repeatedly paid his sincere heed towards education and made it compulsory for all the Muslims. He did not differentiate between Islamic or non – Islamic education. The captives (who were enemies of Muslims) were allowed to impart education to Muslims. If they were not able to pay amount for their release.
Hazrat Ali the fourth caliph in many ways proved that knowledge is very essential for greatness of men and women. He composed a very famous verse which follows.
“He is not an orphan whose father has died undoubtedly an orphan is that who is deprived of knowledge “
Educationists have done a lot in introducing new technique and methods along with tools. But they emphasized the outcome should we moral and good manners.
Chimombo pointed out educations role as a policy instrument capable of instilling social change and economics advancement in developing countries by giving communities the opportunity to take control of their destinies.
As mentioned above any education can’t be useful if the Creator of the universe is ignored. No Religion can teach hatred, suppression, injustice, inequality and disturbing fraternity.
I would like to appeal to all the teachers and students to be sincere in teaching and learning for the bright future of the society and the country.

S.Masood Alam
School Managing Committee